

In April the Department welcomed to their staff Dr. Xiaoqiang Li as Center for Environmentally Stable Isotope Analysis (CESIA) Lab Manager.

The Office of Undergraduate Education and the Teaching and Learning Collaboratory (TLC) are excited to announce the 2023 fellows awarded for the Innovative Pedagogy Fellowship Call. The call sought out faculty who teach in the Arch summer terms to redesign their courses using innovative pedagogical techniques. Tracks for the fellows include gameful learning, immersive and embodied learning, flipping the classroom, and active learning strategies in addition to topics on assessment and inclusive learning.

The Earth and Environmental Sciences Department is seeking graduate student applications. We have a rich geology, environmental science, and astrobiology program, as well as data science and geoinformatics. Applications submitted after the RPI deadline will still be considered - Follow this link to apply:


Researchers Find That Frogs Can Quickly Increase Their Tolerance to Pesticides
Although there is a large body of research on pests evolving tolerances for the pesticides meant to destroy them, there have been considerably fewer studies on how non-target animals in these ecosystems may do the same.
RPI Doctoral Student One of 87 Nationwide To Receive Research Opportunity at National Lab
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute doctoral student Riley Barton has been selected as one of 87 outstanding graduate students in the United States by the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program (SCGSR).
Rensselaer Researcher To Uncover Deep Sea Mysteries
A few years ago, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Sasha Wagner, assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences, proved false what scientists had thought for years.
Cold Temperatures Paved the Way for T. Rex
About 201 million years ago, volcanic eruptions covered an area roughly the size of South America in lava as Pangaea started to split. The Earth was changed.
Going to Mars
This week’s episode of Why Not Change the World? The RPI Podcast explores the science and engineering involved in the exploration of Mars.
Daniele Cherniak Honored With 2021 Walt Westman Award
Daniele Cherniak, a senior research scientist in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has been honored with the highest national award bestowed by the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scienti
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